Proven, Not Promised

Privacy Policy

Save Energy Bills Without Spending

Privacy Policy

How Information provided to us is protected and used as per our privacy policy.

This may include: 

  • Your personal details like name, address and for some cases it might include your date of birth (for checking your eligibility for specific scheme and to make contact with you regarding specific installation).
  • Your personal Phone number and Email (to contact you when necessary for intimation purposes as outlined in subject notice)
  • Proof of identity (to be collected as evidence of a supporting component other than eligibility evidence).
  • The amount which you have contributed towards subject installation (this will help Department of Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy in development of future schemes).
  • Copies of documents provided to ECO4 Grants Solution Ltd to present as a proof of benefit as well as income being supplied by Department for Work and Pensions, HMRC and the Ministry of Defence (limited to information only to show that you are eligible for scheme)

Providing your personal data:

You will be informed if provision of some of personal data is optional. In most of the cases it is compulsory to provide personal data of yours or it can lead to hindrance in installing a specific measure into home.

Using your personal data: Legal basis and Purpose

 You data will be processed by ECO4 Grants Solution Ltd:

  • Fulfilling contractual needs that will be made with you
  • Management and undertaking subject contract (this will include measure to be installed in your home).
  • Collection of amount towards installation cost that you have contributed.
  • Exercising your rights for making relevant requests in accordance with data protection law.
  • Checking your eligibility to relevant scheme.
  • Sharing with third parties that are administering, supporting or enforcing scheme (specified as under in ‘Sharing Personal Data’)
  • Pursuing our legitimate interests
  • Complying with the legal obligation.

When it comes to specific circumstances there remains need for processing the special categories of your data ( e.g. health information to be processed for evidencing scheme eligibility.)

There is an additional condition that needs to be relied on for processing subject information. Where the processing of data is done by Government body, the Crown, respective local body authority or any relevant Minister of the Crown under exercise and enactment or rule of law, totally be based on substantial interest of public. When there needs of data to be process by obligated energy supplier, it will be your explicit consent.  You are in authority of withdrawing your consent for specific processed data. On other occasions, you will be updated about condition which to be met for processing that specific data category of yours.  Disability benefit data processing will be carried out as per ‘appropriate policy statement’ copy of which to be provided on request.

Sharing your personal data:

 Your data will be shared by ECO4 Grants Solution Ltd with:

  • Our Pas2030 contractor or Department for Work and Pensions via Energy Saving Trust will profile data for provision of YES/NO response in order to verify that you are recipient of relevant benefits that make you eligible for subject scheme.
  • Installer of subject measure to confirm whether Ofgem has been notified.
  • Office of Gas and Electricity Markets (Ofgem) for fulfilling its statutory duties
  • Auditors that are contracted for ensuring the scheme integrity.
  • Department of Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy’s Secretary of State. Your data can be used in reviewing as well as developing policy of Government, for research, for statistical purposes or might use it for linking subject data to other sources under their hold. Your data can be shared by them with different Government Departments including but not limited to Scottish and Welsh Government for purposes at hand.
  • Obligated Energy Supplier (the main cost contributor of the measure to comply with any legal obligation as per their privacy policies)
  • Certification body of the installer (who ensures that requisite standards are met by monitoring the installations)
  • Relevant companies that are supporting the installation
  • The installer (the one installing the subject measure)
  • Technical monitoring agents (who ensures that requisite standards are met by monitoring sample installations)
  • Managing Agents (responsible for facilitating funding and measure installation)
  • Building Control Inspectors (who confirm that installation is done in conformity with building regulations)
  • Guarantee Companies (who provide subject measure warranties like wall insulation)
  • The owner of the property, managing agent or social housing provider
  • Software providers (who process subject data) 
  • External Auditing agencies (who provide assurance to authenticity of data being processed)
  • Anyone else required by law, where sharing or consent of whom we received from you will be notified to you.
  • The provided information may be transferred outside European Union to third parties only in case where there is necessary for outlined purpose. All necessary safeguards set by encompassing Information Commissioner Office (ICO) for protection of provided data before it is transferred.
  • Energy Company Obligation (ECO) purposes unless you consented otherwise. 

Criteria used to determine data retention periods

  • 25 Years guarantee for measure to be retained, your data may be retained for twenty-five years or as needed for provided guarantees timeline.
  • For other measure retention could be up to seven years after ending of the subject scheme as in line with record management of HM Revenue and Customs.
  • Information about subject measure to be retained for up to 25 years for research and statistical purpose installed as per scheme by Department of Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy. This may include the address you provided along with some information related to scheme eligibility criteria that is being applied to your household. Your name as well as other personal information might not be included.  

Your rights, including accessing your data/ amending incorrect data

There are certain rights of yours regarding holding your information by the Controller (not applied every time in all circumstances). This include your right to

  • Access your all-relevant personal data
  • Inform you about method of data processing
  • Correct the incorrected data
  • Data portability (copying, and moving as well as transferring of your personal data)
  • Have your data deleted 
  • Restrict or object the processing of your data