Proven, Not Promised

Cookies Policy

Save Energy Bills Without Spending

Cookies Policy

A small file asking your permission to get placed on hard drive of user’s computer is a cookie. This file is then added after you agree. For analysing web traffic as well as letting you know the record of your visit to site this cookie is quite helpful. Not only this, allowing web applications for any appropriate response to you is one of the utilization of cookies.

In order to meet your needs, the operation of web applications can be tailored. Likes and dislikes depending on information being gathered about your preferences. Traffic log cookies for identifying pages being used are taken into account by ECO4 Grants Solution Ltd.

This is quite helpful in analysing the data that is related to webpage traffic and help us in improving ECO4 Grants Solution Ltd website. Hence provide us clear information about tailoring it as per customer needs. The information is only used for statistical analysis after which data is cleaned from our system.

By monitor, it enables us to assess which pages you find more useful and which are proved not helpful. Cookie neither give access to your personal computer nor to your information. It happens only when you choose what you want to share with us.     

It up to you that how you deal with the cookies. You can either accept or can decline them. Cookies are automatically accepted by most of the browsers, but you can modify the browser setting whenever you want cookies to be declined as per your preferences. This may inhibit the access of full advantage of ECO4 Grants Solution Ltd website.

Links to other websites

There are links to other websites that are of your interest are present in ECO4 Grants Solution Ltd website. It is important to note that once you access the website links, we do not have control over respective websites hence we are not responsible in case if any data protection or privacy of your information is breached.  Caution should be taken and a deep insight of privacy statement to be looked at in this regard.

Controlling your personal information

Selling, distributing or leasing any data that is related to your personal information to any third party can never be done by us unless you give us permission or in case if it becomes the necessity of law in practice. For promotional information your personal data can be used only if you wish to have it. Under data protection Act 1998, you have the right to request about details related to your personal data which we hold about you.

If there remains any ambiguity about authenticity of your personal information, please contact ECO4 Grants Solution Ltd by writing an email at your earliest. We will take prompt action and update your information that is found inaccurate.